Facts & Figures

Facts and figures about Weinmüller

A strong company
in two locations

  • A family company which also offers apprenticeships, with over 60 years of experience in mould construction
  • Headquarters in Swabian Ludwigsburg, Germany. In 2014 a second office was founded in Tianjin, China
  • Multi-shift operation at both sites
  • Around 120 employees, over 50 of which are in China
  • Planning, development and manufacturing of tools for the production of engines, gears and chassis parts
  • Moulds for parts with a weight per unit of up to 63 t
  • 4500 square metres of production space: Modern machining and assembly facilities, engineering and design capacity
  • 3000 square metres of production space in China: In-process maintenance on the die casting machines, repair, maintenance and setting up die casting tools
  • Use of 3D-printed components for die cast parts for special requirements